Lors de notre visioconférence avec nos partenaires tchèques, nous avons joué à un jeu qui s’intitule storycube. Le principe est de lancer les dés et de créer une histoire à partir des images.
Nous n’avons pas eu le temps de finir et nous avons proposé aux autres partenaires de participer en choisissant à leur tour un des trois dés qui restait.
Le Danemark a choisi l’étoile, la Grèce le fer à cheval et le Pays de Galles, l’éclair.
This is our StoryCubes tale :
Once upon a time there was a happy boy in the forest. He tried to escape using the rainbow comming comming from the sky. He enters in the Turtles’ world. He looked around and realized that there was necessary to wear a mask to look like a turtle. But he was in delay and had to meet a magic bee that could give him more time…
Class 3B Denmark (shooting star):
He couldn’t find the magic bee. It turned dark very quickly. A shooting star landed nearby. He was curious and didn’t know what it was, so he walked towards it. When he found it, he climbed it and rocketed away into the univers…
Class 7A Greece (Magnetic Horseshoe):
After many hours the boy landed in an unknown planet. He looked around, the only thing he could see was some weird plants and… It can’t be… In front of him, that he thought it was a tree, was actually the feet of a big green giant… In the presence of the giant the boy froze, and tried to wear his mask again to look like a turtle because he was scared but as soon as he moved the giant started to chase him. The boy ran towards a tree in which were was a glowing magnetic horseshoe hanging, the boy grabbed it and disappeared once again…
Dosbarth Rhiannon Wales (Lightening)
He disappeared into a chocolate world. The lightening struck the young boy and he turned into a super hero. He makes a house out of chocolate and becomes best friends with a gummy bear. The gummy bear ended up betraying the boy by eating his chocolate house and takes him to an evil star. The young boy gets struck by lightening once more. This time he teleports back home. He lands in his bed holding a chocolate shaped star in his hand. He ate the star and fell asleep happily.
The end.
Maintenant, nous allons illustrer notre histoire. Nous nous sommes chargés de la dernière partie.
ici, plusieurs propositions de la classe de Turenne.