Category At home

Concevoir des bacs à déchets fermentescibles.

Mon constat : Mes parents ont acheté des poules l’année dernière car nous avions envie de consommer nos propres œufs. Nous nous sommes vite rendu compte qu’avoir des poules avait un autre avantage, celui de réduire considérablement le poids des… Continue Reading →

dishwasher detergent DIY

DIY Cleaning products- Less than 30 min Ingredients for 500 ml: -500 ml of hot water -2 in 3 soup spoons of domestic soft soap -20 drops of essential oil of lemon -2 soup spoons of washing soda -2 soup… Continue Reading →

Construire son composter – Make your composter

Composting is a process of converting organic matter into a similar product  »terreau ».   The Process Composting is an operation in wich organic waste is degraded due to the presence of oxygene , humidity, bacteria, mushroom, and micro-organisms   Compostable… Continue Reading →

Easy laundry recipe !

voici la recette de lessive en Français, tu peux la lire en anglais plus bas… ~ MA RECETTE DE LESSIVE SIMPLE, ECONOMIQUE ET 100% NATURELLE ~ Pour faire cette recette, chez vous, il suffit d’utiliser 4 ingrédients : ~ 150… Continue Reading →

Fabriquer ses produits ménagers : facile, économique et écologique !

In the business, we find different typical of household products with many compositions whose existence we do not know for the greater part even. Dans les commerces, on trouve toutes sortes de produits ménagers avec une liste de composants chimiques… Continue Reading →

To do a dishwashing liquid !!!

DO IT YOURSELF ! To do a  dishwashing liquid   Here is my recipe to do yourself a dishwashing liquid. It’s very quick to do and you save the planet, protect the environment and you save the money!!! I have done… Continue Reading →

How green are we in 3°2?

A survey in 3°2 (24 pupils): How many people: •save water? -have a water tank in the garden? —->3/15 -have a quick shower/ do not have a bath (twice a year is ok) ?—->9/24 -do you stop the faucet/tap when… Continue Reading →

Les conséquences des téléphones portables

Les téléphones portables!!! With 38 million users in France, the mobile phone is today anchored in our daily lives and it is not scientifically proven, but it could be dangerous for our health.   Après avoir mené une enquête, les… Continue Reading →

Les produits cosmétiques : Que choisir ?

L’écologie, ce n’est pas qu’une question d’environnement ! Il faut comprendre que polluer notre environnement a aussi des conséquences sur notre santé ! Nous sommes nombreux à ne pas faire attention à notre consommation en terme de cosmétiques et nous… Continue Reading →

compost at home

At home,I make the compost since my childhood.In my compost, I put thye vegetable peeler or fruits.This makes it possible to have natural fertilizer. written by alexis

My Electricity Saver

-I prefer day light  (through the windows) rather than the electric light          -I unplug all my electronic devices when I leave my house to save Energy and Money .       -I dry my clothes in… Continue Reading →

My recycling at home

Front the projet, I recycled at home with 3 boxes : 1 for plastic, 1 for glass and 1 for trash (can). I had a compost where we put the eggs shells, coffe and tea bags, and vegetables skins. Whe… Continue Reading →

Waste of energy

(exemple of nuclear energy).I want to talk about the waste of energy ! Lot of people don’t switch off the light or don’t off his computer, you need to know the energy consumption of standby equipment represents a nuclear reactor… Continue Reading →

Do you know this logo ?

We talked about it in class ! This sticker is useful for people don’t want to have flyers. Are you fed up with these flyers ?  So, you can put this sticker on your mailbox ! It is free in… Continue Reading →

Ecology, a serious subject.

I did writing an article on the recycling in english class. Here it is. ECOLOGY, A SERIOUS SUBJECT. By Laurine DEMAZY Monday, february 20, 2017. We went to meet a french family to talk about french ecology. How did the… Continue Reading →

Ecology at home !

                                             Ecology at home ! The garden’s problems, it’s buy the vegetables, so I keep seeds of them in jar. So I don’t buy them next year and I can cultivate after.     At the top of my garden,… Continue Reading →

About Rainwater collector

The Rainwater collector is a can, it can be burried or laced near a house. The Rainwater collector can be linked to the gutters of a home. We can choose the capacity that we want ( 300 liters, 600 liters,… Continue Reading →

Tips to preserve the planet while making savings at home

Tips to preserve the planet while making savings at home Ecology can help us preserve the planet but also save money. For example, we can install a compost bin : it is used to recycle green garbage thrown away at home… Continue Reading →

About compost…

About compost… What are the benefits of composting for the planet ? Making compost allows us to reduce by half the weight of our bins, thus dividing by two the amount of garbage we need to store or get rid of, which… Continue Reading →

Come on 3e3 !!! How heavy is your trash ??

Choose one day a week : __________ (and do not change !!) How heavy is your trash bag ?? Weigh it = __.___ kg (add trash bag # 1 + bag # 2 + bag # 3 in one week)… Continue Reading →

Recycling : getting organized

Hi 3e ! I am going to show you how I got organized to recycle at home. I keep a big orange plastic box under my kitchen sink. I also have a pink fabric bag in my kitchen cupboard under… Continue Reading →

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