Le Développement Durable, on s'y met ?

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Les bacs à brouillons

Because of the paper wastage usable in us school, we wish reduce our wastes. We had an idea : put a « draft pan » . The idea is realy simple : when a paper still usable, we just have to put… Continue Reading →

About Rainwater collector

The Rainwater collector is a can, it can be burried or laced near a house. The Rainwater collector can be linked to the gutters of a home. We can choose the capacity that we want ( 300 liters, 600 liters,… Continue Reading →

The waste in our school.

We are working on the waste in our school. In our college, we consume too much. There is a lot of food waste compared to the number of pupils. We weighed the trashs can of canteen for a week each… Continue Reading →

Tips to preserve the planet while making savings at home

Tips to preserve the planet while making savings at home Ecology can help us preserve the planet but also save money. For example, we can install a compost bin : it is used to recycle green garbage thrown away at home… Continue Reading →

About compost…

About compost… What are the benefits of composting for the planet ? Making compost allows us to reduce by half the weight of our bins, thus dividing by two the amount of garbage we need to store or get rid of, which… Continue Reading →

Waste in oceans

Hello ! Do you know how many Kg of waste are drop in oceans ?  Approximately 20 milliards of tonnes per year !! It is like 72463769 Airbus A380’s weight !!!! Do you imagine ???  I’m gonna to give you a… Continue Reading →


My project is introduce people to recycling with an article in a newspaper. If people don’t understand the recycling’s beneficial, they will never start. I want to show them every assets as :  – more little carbage – money’s economy… Continue Reading →

Everybody against wastage !

Hi there ! Since we had to create a project about ecology, we chose ( and we spent a lot of time ) to work on wastage. In our school, lots of students tend to waste a lot ! That… Continue Reading →

Poster concerning Ecology

Ecology, a lifetime We create a poster for ecology at Gueret city. Someone react for pollution. We take pictures in Gueret for more reactions. written by Maelys, Elodie and Elirose.

A poster in the canteen against waste !

We ‘re working on a poster to stop wasting in our canteen. We would like to reduce the wasted food. This project is important for us, for our planet and to help save it. Moreover it will allow us to… Continue Reading →

Hugo’s and Baptiste’s project

We would like to make a manifestation in our city to pick up waste in the street. We would like to do this with the students of 3èmes and 6èmes in June. We hope people will be motivated.

Come on 3e3 !!! How heavy is your trash ??

Choose one day a week : __________ (and do not change !!) How heavy is your trash bag ?? Weigh it = __.___ kg (add trash bag # 1 + bag # 2 + bag # 3 in one week)… Continue Reading →

President Obama on climate change

This is Predident Obama’s farewell address on Tuesday January 10th in Chicago (« farewell » means « good bye »). Check out what he has to say about climate change (28′-29’20).    

The world to Come by Fredrika Skahl

This is a song from the movie Tomorrow that we are going to study in class. You can listen to it here if you like. Enjoy !


Bibliographie : – No Impact Man by Colin Beavan – Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson   Sitographie : http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/ http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/Une-campagne-de-mobilisation http://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/nature-environnement/developpement-durable/ou-en-est-l-electricite-renouvelable-en-france_109632 http://mtaterre.fr/dossiers/le-developpement-durable/cest-quoi-le-developpement-durable https://www.demain-lefilm.com/ http://www.yannarthusbertrand.org/fr et bien d’autres sites à découvrir…   Films et émissions « Before the flood » en 2016… Continue Reading →

« Demain » Le film de Cyril Dion et Mélanie Laurent, primé à Cannes

Clip de Mickey 3D « Respire »

Pour voir le clip « Respire » de Mickey 3D, suivez ce lien.

Clip de Zazie « Je suis un homme ».

Pour voir le clip de Zazie « Je suis un homme », suivez ce lien. (Photo : DR)

Recycling : getting organized

Hi 3e ! I am going to show you how I got organized to recycle at home. I keep a big orange plastic box under my kitchen sink. I also have a pink fabric bag in my kitchen cupboard under… Continue Reading →

Des mots clés à connaître pour maîtriser ce sujet

Agriculture intensive Biodiversité Climatosceptiques COP Développement durable Do it yourself Écologie Eco-label Eco-responsable Effet de serre Empreinte écologique  Énergies épuisables Énergies fissiles Énergies fossiles Énergies propres Énergies renouvelables Énergies non renouvelables Éthique Gaspillage Gaz à effet de serre Permaculture Pollution… Continue Reading →

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