Le Développement Durable, on s'y met ?

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Charte d’hébergement et Assistance -> groupe viaéduc

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L’énergie de l’avenir ! En Islande, ça marche !

L’Islande est un pays autonome sur plusieurs points, notamment sur le plan énergétique : c’est en effet un des pays développés qui rejette le moins de gaz a effet de serre au monde. Maintenant interrogeons-nous sur le pourquoi du comment… Continue Reading →

Les produits cosmétiques : Que choisir ?

L’écologie, ce n’est pas qu’une question d’environnement ! Il faut comprendre que polluer notre environnement a aussi des conséquences sur notre santé ! Nous sommes nombreux à ne pas faire attention à notre consommation en terme de cosmétiques et nous… Continue Reading →

recycled batteries ?

Batteries maybe recycle and are recycled because they are toxic (mercure, plomb, cadmium, lithium,…) They have damaged the planet because of the unconscious people who burn or throw the batteries without going against the danger and present !! You can… Continue Reading →

compost at home

At home,I make the compost since my childhood.In my compost, I put thye vegetable peeler or fruits.This makes it possible to have natural fertilizer. written by alexis

Wind turbine with recycled materials

Hello, this article presents a project for the future volontary students of 3èmes. This project would improve our life and preserve the environment. The pupils should concept a wind turbine with recycled materials in Technology, Sciences and Mathematics. Imagine then… Continue Reading →

How to solve bus problems in Creuse ?

Hello, We are Orlanne; Victoire; Margaux; and Perle. And we chose to work about bus problems : and we noted that there are some ecology problems in the distribution of bus lines in Creuse and in lots of places in… Continue Reading →

soap and shampoo : Do It Yourself !

At school, we made soaps and shampoo without ceminals and whithout coloring.We made several soaps to sell them for the TELETHON. The soap keepslong enough.  it does not foam but it is very good for the skin and made the… Continue Reading →

A New Life

When i have clothes that i don’t put, i don’t throw them. I going to « SPA » for give my warm clothes at dogs who are cold in winter. I think at the animals in need. But there are many others… Continue Reading →

Earth Hour

Since the 25th of march 2017, all the big cities around the world turned of the lights of famous bildings for one hour : _ The Opera of Sidney, Australia – The Empire State Building, U.S.A – The pyramid of… Continue Reading →

Recyclable’s education

We go in school to learn to kids « how trying wastes at home« .    We teach to the children an important subject by playing. We are taking waste and they have to choose the good bin. The goal is when the… Continue Reading →

Teach ecology !

Our project is to explain of the student of Paul Langevin how recycling is important by suggesting some activities to them. We think it’s really important to get people interested in the environnement at the earliest. We want to prove… Continue Reading →

What’s Ecology ?

The ECOLOGY is the maintenance of our planet. The ecology is before everything The fact of not polluting. For exemple : It is necessary to make regularly the selective sorting (Make attention of différents centenarians).          … Continue Reading →

Nicolas Hulot

Nicolas Hulot has just become Minister of the ecologie and united transition. He wrote many books about ecology. He has also realized a movie « Le syndrome du Titanic » which speaks further ecology. He has conducted several actions ans projects as… Continue Reading →

Mexico Subway

The subway of Mexico will work with the energy producted from waste. The energy will be supplied from an inceneration plant of waste. According to the CEO of Véolia (a French society specialized in a public services) this factory can… Continue Reading →

My Electricity Saver

-I prefer day light  (through the windows) rather than the electric light          -I unplug all my electronic devices when I leave my house to save Energy and Money .       -I dry my clothes in… Continue Reading →

savings at home

what is compost? Making compost allows us to reduce by half the weight of our bins. The compost allow us to divide the weight of the bins by two.   We can throw away things which decompose such as fruit… Continue Reading →

light in the city

We have noticed that the lights in the villages go out too late. I think we  should  discuss this problem in public  meetings. written by Alexis,Tâm,Florient,Franck,Rémi,Noa.

My recycling at home

Front the projet, I recycled at home with 3 boxes : 1 for plastic, 1 for glass and 1 for trash (can). I had a compost where we put the eggs shells, coffe and tea bags, and vegetables skins. Whe… Continue Reading →


The waste in our school Our observation : Today, the waste of our plates in the cantine finish in the trash can and they aren’t recycle, and, they are lot of wasting, so, they are lot of waste who are no… Continue Reading →

Waste of energy

(exemple of nuclear energy).I want to talk about the waste of energy ! Lot of people don’t switch off the light or don’t off his computer, you need to know the energy consumption of standby equipment represents a nuclear reactor… Continue Reading →

Children plant in the city.

Last Sunday, in Saint-Vaury, town council invited children to plant vegetables and flowers. Every child could choose a plant to make square more beautiful ! It was a great idea, isn’t it ? It was a friendly moment for children… Continue Reading →

Do you know this logo ?

We talked about it in class ! This sticker is useful for people don’t want to have flyers. Are you fed up with these flyers ?  So, you can put this sticker on your mailbox ! It is free in… Continue Reading →

Ecology, a serious subject.

I did writing an article on the recycling in english class. Here it is. ECOLOGY, A SERIOUS SUBJECT. By Laurine DEMAZY Monday, february 20, 2017. We went to meet a french family to talk about french ecology. How did the… Continue Reading →

Ecology at home !

                                             Ecology at home ! The garden’s problems, it’s buy the vegetables, so I keep seeds of them in jar. So I don’t buy them next year and I can cultivate after.     At the top of my garden,… Continue Reading →

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