A survey in 3°2 (24 pupils):

How many people:

•save water?

-have a water tank in the garden? —->3/15

-have a quick shower/ do not have a bath (twice a year is ok) ?—->9/24

-do you stop the faucet/tap when you wash your hands? —->14/24 

•save electricity?

-do you switch off the light when you  leave the room ?—->20/24

-do you always unplug appliances at night when you stop using them (except cells)?—-> 3/24

• how many people recycle?

-paper, plastic+cans and glass?—-> 18/24

What kind of heating system would be green?

1-) Wood= super

2) Geothermal= +++

3) Oil= – – –

4) Coal= – – –

5) Natural gas (from: nuclear energy , wind power, hydropower, solar energy)