Tips to preserve the planet while making savings at home

Ecology can help us preserve the planet but also save money.

For example, we can install a compost bin : it is used to recycle green garbage thrown away at home and in the garden by gathering it to make it rot. It can shrink by two the weight of the bins, so it reduces the production of carbon dioxide. It is useful because it creates natural fertilizers.

Another idea which could be good for the planet is the rainwater collector. So it consists in collecting the rain in a tank. Then we can use the rain to garden or water the garden. We can save money thanks to the saved liters. That’s very practical!

Those two big ideas don’t make you spend your money at all and you won’t spend more time than if you do not do that, however you will pay attention to the planet and if you act, you will help preserving it.

Many little daily acts can also have a big importance, such as using rechargeable batteries, or using low consumption light bulbs. You can also take short show
ers instead of baths

You will spend the same time, and yet you will be helpful to the Earth!

Written by Chloé P, Pauline, Sarah and Marina.