Global warming

         Global warming is a serious problem nowadays, and since we started studying this subject we’ve realised it was really important to try to do our best to reduce it. Still, some politicians, like Donald Trump, deny it. We’ve interviewed people of different ages and from different countries but they all have the same opinion about this problem.

      Clara and Athina both strongly disagree with Donald Trump’s policies. In their opinion, withdrawing from the Paris agreement was a huge mistake but they know nothing will be done while he’s still president. Indeed, that decision, and choosing to reduce the size of national parks in Utah will have serious consequences in the future.

      Athina and Salvio already have felt the impact of global warming on natural disasters. Back when she was a child, Athina had to leave her home twice, because of wildfires near her home, in California. She believes it’s due to the rising temperatures, it causes the soil to become drier. Moreover, she thinks hurricanes have always existed but they’ve become stronger because of global warming. It doesn’t only causes droughts, Ireland has more snow now than a century ago and that’s also due to climate change. At the contrary, in Florida, where Salvio lives, one year they had so hot temperatures in December that he could wear shorts and shirts without sleeves.

      Athina told us that the richer states of U.S.A that want to fight against global warming can make environmental policies like California whereas small states without much money can’t afford this. But there are some organizations who’re charged of cleaning wastes in the ocean or fighting against deforestation. But some states also agree with Donald Trump and believe that protecting the environment would destroy the economy and many people would lose their jobs. They prefer to use natural gases and coal than renewable energies. For example, in Florida, people could install solar panels.

      On a smaller scale, Clara thinks we should use more public transports, bikes or walk instead of driving to reduce our carbon footprint. Moreover she thinks recycling helps to decrease global warming too. Athina recycles too, and she uses renewable bags. She also used to participate in beach cleaning when she lived in California. Finally, Salvio believes people should try to do more car pooling , and stop driving SUV.

Gratianne,  Laurine,  Isabelle