Interviews about global warming

We have interviewed people about their opinions about global warming, here are their answers to our questions.

They are from different regions, like Scotland, England, Kansas, California and Florida, so their climates are different.

The first person who was interviewed is Clara, she’s from Kansas, she answered us : she thinks global warming is a big problem. Against global warming, Clara walks and uses public transports, she thinks Donald Trump is not qualified to be a president, his policies are bad for the environment and he thinks that global warming doesn’t exist. Clara says that the effects of climate change are natural disasters, in her country, she had hurricanes past summer and the snow is getting harder.

The second person is Athina, she’s from California and she thinks natural disasters are not the consequences of climate change but are increased by global warming, but she thinks the consequences are melting of ice and changing temperatures, snow, a lot of damage, CO2, greenhouse effect. Against global warming, Athina recycles and uses renewable bags. Like Clara, she thinks that Donald Trump must believe in global warming.

Janette and Tony are from Scotland and England, they think global warming has an impact and it’s a problem. They recycle a lot, reduce their consumption, they think the effects are more floods, rising sea level and the sea eroding the land and warmer weather.

Salvio is from Florida and thinks that the impact of global warming is deep, the effects of climate change for Salvio are rising temperatures and wildfires, colder winters. Salvio doesn’t agree with Donald Trump’s ideas, against global warming, he recycles, take showers and not baths but it’s not easy.

So the 5 persons have differents opinions but they all think that global warming is bad and people should fight against it.

Noémie, Mathilde, Maëva, Selma