What about global worming ? A question of everyday…

We know that global worming causes a lot of damage to the earth. We asked English speaking peoples some questions in order to find some solutions against global warming.

Athina, a girl from California who studies physics, says that global warming is a problem in California because it causes drought and hurricanes. She also says that Donald Trump doesn’t want to fight against wildfires because he thinks that global worming isn’t a problem. She says that California used to try to control wildfires. She told us that one day there were two storms in two weeks.

Salvio, a boy from Florida says that hurricanes are not trigged by humans activities but there are more and more of them. For him we’re responsible but we have to care about earth. He told us that we are responsible for the melting of ice cap. For him, the United States uses to few renewables energies so it increases climates change.

For us, climates change, the melting ice cap, hurricanes, earthquakes and all the natural disasters are in part caused by humans activities and the consumption of oil and gaz. You can change that by turning off the light when you leave a room. We have to care about the earth because today we can go to the moon and we want to walk on Mars, but, we mustn’t forget that the earth is our real home.

Charles – Jules